Welcome to Energetics for Health!

It is common knowledge that people are living longer today than fifty years ago. However, what's alarming is that disease and pain have become more chronic and complicated than ever before. Despite how modern science has risen to the task of addressing many of today's medical demands, it is our view that patients must become more involved in their health by researching what factors degrades it, as well as to learn safe innovative methods to restore it. It is not our intent to have everyone replace conventional medicine, but rather we believe that people should be part of the integrative and complementary process towards better health.
Besides our services at the Hirano Acupuncture Clinic, Energetics for Health offer health restorative seminars, Shen-Kung and Myo-Osteo Therapy, which you can read about in their respective pages. It is our belief that this will enable you to take a more active role in this integrative process while helping yourself and others maximize their health.
Besides our services at the Hirano Acupuncture Clinic, Energetics for Health offer health restorative seminars, Shen-Kung and Myo-Osteo Therapy, which you can read about in their respective pages. It is our belief that this will enable you to take a more active role in this integrative process while helping yourself and others maximize their health.
If everything is energy, then our answer lies in physics!
Theoretical physicists have identified four fundamental energy forces in the Universe. They are light, gravity, strong force and weak force. All of these forces make up matter as well. The only thing that distinguishes one form of matter from another, such as gold from silver or soil, are how these forces are arranged. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that all matter, which includes the human body, are energy forms. Even the energy field of fingertips can be observed using Kirlian photography to examine a particular acupuncture meridian to observe a person's state of health.
Medical researchers at the University of California Irvine, Z.H. Cho & J.H. Fallon, have proven in the laboratory with functional MRIs that acupuncture points have neuronal associations that do affect the parts of the body that Chinese doctors had recorded and utilized thousands of years ago and still use today. If truth is like a wheel and every spoke represents all the various types of health modality, a science or a non-scientific theoretical system of observance, then we can say that every spoke has truth in it but no one spoke is the whole truth. Perhaps one day, we will have enough spokes to reveal the whole wheel!
Medical researchers at the University of California Irvine, Z.H. Cho & J.H. Fallon, have proven in the laboratory with functional MRIs that acupuncture points have neuronal associations that do affect the parts of the body that Chinese doctors had recorded and utilized thousands of years ago and still use today. If truth is like a wheel and every spoke represents all the various types of health modality, a science or a non-scientific theoretical system of observance, then we can say that every spoke has truth in it but no one spoke is the whole truth. Perhaps one day, we will have enough spokes to reveal the whole wheel!